Our senior management team is well positioned to advise leading family offices on their real estate investment allocations in emerging markets

Our family office advisory service assists in providing access to diverse real estate opportunities in markets with high barriers to entry. We seek to find investments in countries that can offer high yields coupled with stable legal structures and low levels of taxation. Propeterra is focused on preserving and enhancing family wealth through the provision of alternative investments to its clients.

Strong fundamental research and on the ground expertise in the most prospective markets in the world underpins our success. Our family office center has primarily been established on request of a growing clientele that require comprehensive services. We hope it will become a useful resource for you and facilitate the decision making process for your property investments. Our partners stand by to engage, assist and advise on your property investment needs.

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Our International Strategy

At Propeterra, we offer family offices and high net worth individuals a means to access real estate opportunities in some of the most challenging but prospective markets around the world. We provide advice to a number of international property investors, institutions, corporates and private wealth managers to facilitate exploration of, and investment in new markets. Although we were initially focused on the Asia Pacific region, we are now able to provide consultancy services covering Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and Eastern Europe. We believe our international reach offers perspective and access to projects suitable for a variety of investment appetites. Explore the following membership opportunities and discover the competitive advantage it can afford.

Annual Investors' Retreat Propeterra looks forward to holding an investors' retreat for family offices and investors. We are planning to host our first event in 2020, and hope that by enabling diverse individuals, family offices and organizations to network in an informal context, it will prove a useful forum for those interested by emerging and frontier markets.
One-to-one Consultation Propeterra is a real estate emerging market specialist and welcomes the opportunity to have personal consultations with potential family office members. Through our offices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Ulaanbaatar, we are able to arrange meetings to discuss your property allocation. We are aware of the complexity of gaining exposure to markets where there is a lack of publicly available information and attendant regulatory challenges. Propeterra looks to understand your risk tolerance and diversification needs and direct you toward appropriate opportunities.
Propeterra Confidential Alert Our confidential alerts are a subscriber service for family office members and provide market intelligence and actionable information. We appreciate it is difficult to remain fully appraised of developments in distant countries and so Propeterra analysts provide updates regularly on both the general and the specialist. Drawing on the joint functions of our business development and research departments, we are able to offer a unique perspective on markets characterized by incomplete, and at times inaccurate, information.
Propeterra Articles One of our greatest strengths is research. We provide our family office members with regular thought pieces covering political, economic, regulatory and fiscal issues, as well as general analyses to help understand the social and societal currents influencing the investment climate. Propeterra hopes the family office center can be an interactive and collaborative area designed to increase knowledge. We have been recognized for our research by the publication of our views in a variety of news outlets and hope you reach out to discuss our views and analysis further.
Propeterra Emerging Market Newsletter The Propeterra newsletter, which is released on a quarterly basis, is designed to keep families aware of key developments in relevant emerging and frontier markets. Information may pertain to political changes, economic shocks, commodity or technology booms as well as strategic infrastructure investments. Featuring reporting, analysis, projections and interviews with senior management (and where relevant, third parties), it is a valuable resource for investors.
Propeterra Knowledge Center The Propeterra Knowledge Center helps contextualize emerging markets by allowing comparison and benchmarking with peer countries. It also allows investors to see how the historical trajectory of a given economy compares with developed counterparts that started with similar characteristics. Information available includes, but is not limited to, GDP, exports, imports, government indebtedness, prime residential yields and foreign direct investment.